A Christ-Centered Family on Mission

Community Groups

Becoming Family

 What is a Community Group?

A Community Group is a group of people committed to experiencing life and walking in biblical community together. Community Groups meet in homes throughout our communities, but they are not simply once-a-week meetings, Sunday School classes, or Bible studies. The people in a Community Group do study the Bible and push each other toward Jesus, but they also eat together, play together, serve together, and become family with one another. Community Groups are the core of our church family. They are where we live out our vision of being a Christ-centered family on mission.

Who should be in a Community Group?

Everyone. Believer or non-believer (seeing biblical community lived out is a great way to explore Christianity). Member or non-member, old or young, introvert or extrovert…you get the picture. We believe Community Groups are the best place to experience the Gospel no matter who you are, so we want everyone to join one.

When do they meet?

Really, Community Groups are meeting all the time as members are sharing daily life. The weekly formal gatherings differ in time depending on the group.  Most meet on Sunday afternoons and nights.

How do I join a Community Group?

Click the box below and fill out the form. Someone will get with you as soon as possible.